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Lake James

Lake James is a fantastic day for a day trip from Winston-Salem.

Lake James is located at:

7321 NC Hwy 126

Nebo, NC 28761

It's a short drive at 2 hours from Winston-Salem.

We brought our 16 month old and a baby carrier. He did well and was happy!

Lake James has a variety of trails which accommodate hiking, mountain biking, swimming, boating, and more.

You can find out which one you'd like to hike by going to their website, here.

We got a little lost trying to find the Short Off Mountain trail but we found a beautiful pond as a result of our happy mistake.

When you decide on a trail, make sure to find a description of where you should park your car and start the trail.

For the Short Off Mountain Trail, you will turn off the main road and drive down a long dirt road (it will seem too long, but keep going) the road ends at a small dirt parking lot that wraps in a circle around a few trees. The trail entrance is right there with a sign made of wood.

If you're in the mood for a local craft beer afterwards, Fonta Flora in Morgantown, North Carolina has unique local beer.

Enjoy the hike, sunshine, and beautiful views,


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